CAL – Lois Remembers (Item # B-7)

Lois Remembers - B-7 thumbnail

For the books that I’ll read for this blog, I’ll be going in order of “lowest sellers” to “highest sellers” according to what I’ve sold in the past year & a half to District 6 members.  Not sure why “Lois Remembers” is on the bottom of this list…  Maybe because it came out in 1979 & mostly the newer books are my top sellers?  (This is just a guess though.  Perhaps the answer will come as I continue on this reading journey to the top seller)

When our District Treasurer saw I was reading this book, she lent me another book on Lois, however it is non-CAL so I won’t be discussing it here, but I’m looking forward finding out even more about Al-Anon’s co-founder.

WHAT I LEARNED: 1. This book is very different than the two VHS’s: Lois’ Story (item # AV-1) & Lois W. & the Pioneers (AV-24).

2. It was unbelievably sad that the doctor (for whatever reason) decided not to call in Lois during Bill’s final moments on Earth.  After everything the two went through, if I’m feeling devastated just reading about it, I think it speaks volumes about the strength of a person to live through it & not just give up on hope entirely.  I’m glad she was able to still move forward – working on creating such a great program for all of us.

3. The book didn’t mention the other co-founder very much.  So I’m on a hunt to find out more about Anne B. in item # P-66 🕵️‍♀️ Stay tuned!


**UPDATE (5/13/13): For more info about Anne B., see my review of item # P-66 & for more about both Al-Anon’s co-founders, see my post about item # P-87.


***UPDATE (9/25/14): Another Al-Anon member recently read the following quote from this book & it’s now my favorite passage!  From page 1:

“Children seem to understand some great reality that is a mystery to grown-ups.  As they grow out of childhood, they lose this secret knowledge.  I did not want to grow up.  An invisible wall seemed to prevent adults from entering my child’s world.  I wanted to stay on the near side of that wall.  As I inevitably climbed over it, I promised myself I would never forget what it was like to be a child.  But of course I did.  I remember only my desire to remember.” 


****UPDATE (11/9/22): I just found out that as of August 26th, 2021, you can now stream the videos Lois’ Story(item # AV-1) & Lois W. & the Pioneers (AV-24).  (You can click on each link to watch a short 1-minute preview.)  The cost, as of 2022, to rent each On Demand video for 1 week is currently $25.00.  No more VHS tapes – yay! 🙌 😄

Questions or comments are always welcome!